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New TRX turboliquidisers: production and ergonomics

October 9, 2012 Français   Deutsch   Español   Português   Italiano  

Sammic has developed a new range of turbo-liquidisers you will be able to appreciate at the coming editioni of Hostelco (Barcelona, 17th-21st October). Available in 1 or 2-speed models, TRX-21 and TRX-22 have been designed to work in up to 500 litre containers. 

Sammic TRX turbo-liquidisers have easily interchangeable cutters, which allow to adapt the appliance to the product, optimizing the performance of the appliance. 

The sturdy stainless steel construction ensures the best performance in any situation. Designed in cooperation with regular users of such appliances, ergonomics and easy operation, transport and cleaning are just a few of the features the user will appreciate in the new range of Sammic turbo-liquidisers. Sammic TRX turbo-liquidisers are complete with rubber wheels with antiskid treament that allow them suit any surface. 

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