KitchenBridge I: Visit to Sammic
The Kitchen Bridge program kicked off its Basque stage with a visit to the Sammic headquarters, where, after receiving the official welcome to this part of the program, guests toured the facilities accompanied by Production Director Jon Markina.
After getting to know the facilities, Sammic’s corporate chef and host of the Kitchen Bridge program, Enrique Fleischmann, showed them what the collaboration consists of between chef-Sammic and Chef’s Services by Sammic. Guests were able to see the Fleischmann’s Cooking Group team first hand and in full swing in Sammic's classroom kitchen, where there was a tasting of food prepared sous-vide.
In appreciation of their interest, the three invited chefs received their SmartVide 8 Plus from the hand of Sammic, in an exclusive customized version.
Given Sammic’s extensive range of products, the guest chefs and consultants were left wanting more but due to the tight schedule it wasn't possible this time. We’ll keep you posted!