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- Once more, Food&Hotel Asia
Once more, Food&Hotel Asia
Once more, Sammic is present at Food&Hotel Asia 2016, which is being held in Singapore between 12th and 15th April. The biennial Food&HotelAsia (FHA) has its humble beginning in 1978. From a small trade exhibition held in the car park of a hotel, it has grown tremendously along with the industry as the premier trade show synonymous with the food and hospitality industry in Asia and beyond. Sammic has been present in this event since 1992 and is one of the loyal participants in this trade show.
Since 2012, Sammic has a stable presence in the area, with its own sales network and warehouse with equipment and spares, based in Singapore and ready to serve all SE Asia.
In this edition of FHA, we introduce our 3 main product lines: commercial ware washing, dynamic food preparation and food preservation and sous-vide cooking equipment. In addition, our corporate chef Enrique Fleischmann is present in our stand and will give specialised masterclasses to local chefs and distributors.
If you want more info about Sammic products, or get to know where to purchase them in the South East Asia area, please contact our Sales Manager Ann:
Ann Tan
Sammic Sales Manager, South East Asia
skype: anntan6.9
sammic sl
3018 Ubi Road 1
Singapore 408710
Tel.: +65 6748 0511
Mobile: +65 9692 9938
Sammic: #TheRightChoice